Class CompanyWS

  • public class CompanyWS
    extends Object
    CompanyWS is the webservice representation of a Vorsorgeeinrichtung (VE). This is the root instance representing a specific legal entity. Companies may have more than one branch location as well as different names in various languages. Details are therefore stored in CompanyAddressWS and accessed by getAddresses().

    (UPDATE: More than one branch location etc. seemed like a good idea at the time. In retrospect not really. getAddresses() will only return one instance of CompanyAddressWS. We're leaving the method signature in place in order not to break existing client impls.)

    Rainer Alföldi
    • Constructor Detail

      • CompanyWS

        public CompanyWS()
    • Method Detail

      • setUid

        public void setUid​(String uid)
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Shortname of this company. This is not necessarily an official name and for display purposes only. Official names are provided by getAddresses().
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
      • getAddresses

        public Collection<CompanyAddressWS> getAddresses()
        it is recommended to lookup the complete address on UID-Register instead @see UID-Register
        This method will always return one CompanyAddressWS.

        (Multiple addresses were initially seen as a good idea. In retrospect not really. The backend only allows one set of contact info. We're leaving the method signature in place in order not to break existing client impls.)

        Collection of CompanyAddressWS belonging to this CompanyWS.
      • getAcceptedSchemas

        public Collection<String> getAcceptedSchemas()
        Returns a Collection of XSD schema namespaces this company is configured to accept.

        At the time of writing (2018) the following XSD schema are in use:


        Any required migration between schema is automatically handled by BVG Exchange. Submitting companies are NOT required to take accepted schema into account.

        If - however - a submitting company is able to produce documents in an accepted schema, they may do so, thereby eliminating the need for migrating the data.

        Collection of XSD schema namespaces this company is configured to accept.
      • setAcceptedSchemas

        public void setAcceptedSchemas​(Collection<String> acceptedSchemas)
      • getExtendedValidations

        public Collection<String> getExtendedValidations()
        No longer supported.

        (The concept of fine grained quality contracts between sender and recipient has never caught on and is - in retrospect - to complicated. We're leaving the method signature in place in order not to break existing client impls.)

        an empty list
      • setExtendedValidations

        public void setExtendedValidations​(Collection<String> extendedValidations)
        No longer supported.

        (The concept of fine grained quality contracts between sender and recipient has never caught on and is - in retrospect - to complicated. We're leaving the method signature in place in order not to break existing client impls.)

        extendedValidations - not used/ignored